पूर्वजन्मकृतं पापं व्याधिराधिरूपोण जायते|
तत् शान्तियौषधायौ दान जप क्रियादिभिहि ||
Poorva Janma kritam papam vyadhi~radhi roopena jayate |
Tat shanthihi aushadaihi danaihi japa homa kriyadibhihi ||
Sins committed in the past life come as diseases or difficulties. Medicine for disease, efforts for difficulty; ritual is an adjunct for both. Diseases may have to be overcome by medication and difficulties by rituals, charity etc. Whatever, Remedies redress the difficulties of some people, and some are carried over to next life.
The sum of one's past karmas – all actions, good and bad, from the past lives (Sanjata karma) is carried over to the next life, indicated by planetary positions that reel through Prarabdha karma (balance sheet of the past life), which may be experienced through the present life (birth is the material visible manifestation in flesh and blood) or the next life or descendants. The zodiac is divided into 27 Mini constellations (Asterisms ) of 13⁰ 20', spread across 2 signs. Whereby the Navagrahas (The 9 planets) exhibit the features of the blend of constellations [Nakshatras (Birth Stars).I have recently composed a Sloka for 9 Planets and Lagna. Likewise, we put a TV booster, this may perhaps help you to precipitate the issues You can also recite a prayer. Even though it is in Sanskrit, the transliteration provided in English with purport by a scholar. (God is the decision maker).
DASA MAHA VIDYA CONCEPT: (The Ten incarnations of Sakti):
दश महाविद्या
Indroduction by: P.R.Ramachander (www.hindupedia.com/en/User:P.R.Ramachander).
(partly modified)
Sruti (what is heard), and Smriti (what is perceived) as corpus conforms the Avatars of Devi-Shakti, whose worship in Tantra is referred to as Vidya. Her ten avatars (incarnations, or manifestations are called the Dasa Mahavidya, one among the hundreds of tantrik practices. She covers the whole range of feminine divinity. They are 10 incarnations such as: Mathangi, Bhuvaneshwari, Bagalamukhi, Maha Tripura Sundari (or Shodasi-Sri Vidya), Tara, Kamala, Kali, Chinnamastha, Dhumavati and Bhairavi.
1. Matangi signifying Transcendent (Spiritual and Metaphysical) knowledge;
2. Bhuvaneshvari (infinite space);
3. Bagalamukhi (Paralize Enemies);
4. Maha Tripura Sundari (or Shodasi-Sri Vidya of ultimate power);
5. Tara (Positioned Sun, created plants);
6. Kamala (Fortunes) as Lakshmi,
7. Kāli (Feminine for Time of Doomsday);
8. Chinnamasta (with glorified head), Dhumavati (Incites quarrels) and
9. Dhoomavathi (the Haze incarnation). Nothing else exists during pralaya.
10. Bhairavi (Supreme Terror to evil people);
नवग्रह दश महाविद्या सूक्तम् Navagraha & Dasha Mahavidya Vidya Sooktham
Written by Hareendran A (me); and translated by: P.R.Ramachander
दश महाविद्या (The Ten incarnations of Sakti):
Mahavidya or Extreme Knowledge are the divine incarnations that can provide supernatural powers and ultimate knowledge to the sadhaka. This great prayer tells us which Maha Sakthi we should pray to please the nine planets as well as Lagna (ourselves).
लग्नो रविः गुरुर्शुक्रो सौम्यः सोमो च पिङ्गलः|
भौमो सिम्हिकासूनू च तारकाग्रहमस्थकाम् ||1
lagnō ravi: gurur~ṣukr ō saumya s ōmō~ cha pingḷa: ,
bhoumō simhikasūnūcha tārakāgrhamasthkām.
The Ascendant (constellation that rises at the time of event), Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Mars, Rahu (North Node referred as Simhika’s son) Ketu (South Node Referred as crown of all stars and planets) are the ten signifiers.
भैरवी मातङ्गी तारा कमला भुवनेश्वरी
त्रिपुरसुन्दरी काळी चिन्मस्ता बगलामुखी || 2
bhairvī mā thangī tārā kamlā bhuvanēṣvarī
thripursundrī kāḷī chinmasthā bagaḷamukhī!
Goddesses such as Bhairavi. Matangi, Tara, Kamala Bhuvaneswari, Tripurasundari, Kali, Chinmasta and Bagalamughi covers Ascendant and 8 planets (excluding the South Node Ketu).
धूमावती ते शरणम् सर्वदोषविषजयेत् |
लग्नदोष भिषज्यत्वम् ध्यायेत् देविभैरवीं || 3
dhumavthī tey ṣarNam sarvadōshavishajayēt!
lagnadōsha-bhishajyatvam dyā nyeth devibhairvī'm
I surrender to you Dhoomavathi (the Haze incarnation), the overseeing deity for Ketu for getting victory over all defects. Whereas for getting victory over defects in Lagna and getting cured, I salute Goddess Bhairavi.
रविदोष भिषज्यत्वम् ध्यायेत् मातङ्गिमातरं |
सोम दोषा भिषज्यत्वम् नमामि भुवनेश्वरीं || 4
ravidoshabhishajyatvam dhā yeth māthangimāthram.
soma-dōsha-bhishajyatvam namami bhuvneṣvrīm.
For getting victory over defects caused by Sun and getting cured meditate on mother Mathangi, and for getting victory over defects caused by moon and getting cured, I salute Bhuvaneswari.
भौमदोष भिषज्यत्वम् राधनी बगलामुखीं |
सौम्यदोष भिषज्यत्वम् वन्दे त्रिपुरसुन्दरीं || 5
bhouma-dōsha-bhishajyatvam rādnī bagaḷamukhī'm
saumyadōshabhishajyatvam vnde thripura-sundrīm
For getting victory over defects caused by mercury and getting cured, worship Bhagala mukhi; and for getting victory over defects caused by Mars and getting cured, salute Tripura Sundari.
गुरुःदोष भिषज्यत्वम् मनसास्मरामि तृत्वां|
भृगुःदोष भिषज्यत्वम् नमामि कमलेश्वरीं || 6
guru dōsha-bhishajyatvam mansāsmrāmi thr’tvām.
bhrgudōsha bhishajyatvam nmami kamleṣvrī'm.
For getting victory over defects caused by Jupiter and getting cured, I think about you, the one who extends beyond boundaries. (Tara*). For getting victory over defects caused by Venus and getting cured, I salute Kamaleswari
शनिदोष भिषज्यत्व`मुपांशु करालवक्त्रां |
राहुदोष भिषज्यत्वम् चिन्मस्तामहं प्रपद्ये || 7
ṣanidōsha-bhishajyatva-mupamshu karāḷvkthrām
rā hudōsha bhishajyatvam chinmsthhamh' prpdye
For getting victory over defects caused by Saturn and getting cured, I meditate on her who has black neck (Kali). For getting victory over defects caused by Rahu and getting cured, I pray Chinnamastha.
शिखिःदोष भिषज्यत्वम् शरणम् ते धूमावतीं |
इति हरि: प्रोक्तं सूत्रं ग्रहविद्या समन्वयं || 8
ṣikhi dōshabhishajyatvam ṣaraṇm te dhumavthīm
iti hari:prōktam sūtram grha-vidyā samanvayam
For getting victory over defects caused by kethu and getting cured, I surrender to dhoomavathi. This prayer is as told by Lord Vishnu** articulating planets and Maha Vidya deities and remedies.
Clarification by the composer.
*The purport by Shri Ramachandar as it has been told by Vishnu overlooking 'Tarakagraha mastakam', a phrase adopted from the Navagraha Stotra of Vedavyasa; made me speechless. I sought clarification of eminent astrologer Shri Kavasseri Narayanan; Whether the purport of ‘Hari:protkam’ composed by me as by Vishnu, is related with planetary motions, he opined that 'Time' turns the table... Everything is possible. I came across the following findings.
A brief introduction about Veda Vyasa.
Veda Vyasa is author of Mahabharata, moreover the progenator of Dritarashtra and Pandu. Adiparva of the Mahabharata contemplates that Ashwatthama is said to be a combination of parts of Lord Mahadeva, Yama, Kama and Krodha. Maharathi Ashwatthama and Kavisreshta Vyasa will be the Saptarshis in the upcoming Savarni Mantra! The present Veda Vyasa was Ashwatthama in the previous Pitru Kalpa. He may become Saptarshi in saurochi manuantara and will be born as Veda Vyasa in the next Kalpa (Neela lohita Kalpa). Since Asvathama transformed as Veda Vyasa in the next Kalpa, their Life cycle extends across two Kalpas.
Vasuki vomited poison Halahala in the previous Kalpa also. Even though Lord Shiva drank it to save the universe, the poison itched his throat, and came out as Visha Purusha (Personification like Jack Frost). This was the child who was granted as a child to Drona, who named him as Aswathama. Aswathama of the last Kalpa was reborn as Veda Vyasa in the current epoh. Aswathama of current epoh becomes Veda Vyasa of the next epoh.
Planets such as Sun, Moon etc starting from Aries take different durations to reach Pisces. A stellium recur only at the end of one Kalpa. Gita (Canto: 8; Verse 17) postulates that a day of Brahma comprises of 1000 Yugas. The same period constitutes his night also.
सहस्रयुगपर्यन्तमहर्यद्ब्रह्मणो विदु: ।
रात्रिं युगसहस्रान्तां तेऽहोरात्रविदो जना: ॥ १७ ॥
Sahasra-yuga-paryantam ahar yat brahmaṇH viduh
Rātriṁ yuga-sahasrāntāṁ te ’aho-rātra-vido janāh ||
One day of Brahma constitutes 1000 Yugas. That much period is his night.
अश्व्त्यात् समाराभ्यम् समाप्यस्तत्र रेवतीं |
षष्टिघण्टामपिर्लग्नो दिवेन्दु नवविंशतिः || 1
aśvtyāt samārābhyam samāpyastatra revatīm |
ṣaṣṭighaṇṭāmapirlagno divendu navaviṃśatiḥ || 1
While Ascendant takes a turn in 24 Hours, the Moon requires 29.5 days to complete one orbit from from Aries to Pisces (Aswini-Revati stars).
मार्ताण्डमेक वर्षे च भृगु: सौम्येति चन्चलौ |
वीयते बहिःस्थ शेषा ~ रेकः मर्ध चक्र ज्ञ च || 2
mārtāṇḍameka varṣe cha bhṛgu: saumyeti chanchalau,
vīyate bahiḥstha śeṣā ~ rekaḥ mardha chakra jña cha || 2
Sun (Martanda) takes one year, while Venus and Mercury take more or less the same period as viewed from Earth. Whereas Mars takes about one and half years to orbit around earth..
द्वादश वर्षाः ज्यौ, नव~विंशतीचार्ध पिन्गल: |
अष्टादशशोपिररर्थन्च शिखिसर्पि परिक्रमम् || 3
dvādaśa varṣāḥ jyau, nava~viṃśatīcārdha pingala: |
aṣṭādaśaśopirararthanca śikhisarpi parikramam || 3
Jupiter, Saturn, North Node (Rahu) take 12, 29.5 and 18.5 years respectively.
नैकशस्न्यूनतमसामान्य द्वात्त्रिंशोऽपि चतुर्शत:-
कोटि वर्षो पुन: कल्पम्, तथैव च ग्रहस्थिति: 4
naikshsnyuntmsaamaanya dvaattrinsho'pi chaturshata:-
koti varsho pun: kalpm, tthaiv cha garhsthiti: 4
The time for all the planets to meet at the last quarter of Revathi is a Great epoh termed Kalpa that spans 4.32 billion years. That much is the time for each recurrance also.
चतुर्विंशतिता त्रेते रावणो रामलक्ष्मणौ |
संभवेत्यार्जुनकृष्णौ चाष्टाविंशति द्वापारे || 5
cturvinshtitaa trete raavno raamlksmnau,
sanbhvetyaarjunkrisnau cha-astaavinshti dvaapaare || 5
Rama incarnates in the 24th Treta, and Krishna in the 28th Dwapara. Means, their timeline is fixed and never get swapped or altered. So are each one of us.
Month of Brahma (Malsya Purana)
प्रथमंश्वेतकल्पस्तु द्वितीयो नीललोहितः।
त्वामदेवास्तृतीयस्तु ततो राथन्तरोऽपरः॥ ३॥
(Only relevant lines are quoted)
पितृकल्पस्तशास्ले तु या कुहू ब्रह्मणः पुरा।
इत्येवं ब्रह्मणो मासः सर्वपातकनाशनः॥ ११॥
prthmnshvetklpstu dvitiyo nillohitah.
tvaamdaastritiystu tto raathntro'prah॥ 3॥
pitriklpstshaasle tu yaa kuhu brhmnah puraa.
ityevn brhmno maasah srvpaatknaashnah॥ 11॥
Days of Lord Brahma in his month are known by 30 names. The 1st day is Sweta Kalpa, and the 2nd is Neelalohita Kalpa, the third is Vamadeva, the fourth Radhantharawhereas the 30th day is Pitrukalpa.
Swetha Varaha Kalpam:
.Legend says that Vishnu disguised as a white pig went down and Brahma ascended to see the tip of Shiva Jyoti before the dawn of this Kalpa. Lord Shiva pinched the 5th head of Brahma, for forcing a falling down Ketaki flower stand as a false witness. Even though unsuccessful, the present Kalpa came to be known as Varaha Kalpa as token of truthfulness of Vishnu.
Origin of Lord Brahma (Brahmasamhita):
Brahma completed 50 years with the previous Pitrukalpa, now running Sweta Kalpa, the 1st day of Parartha (51st Year) and the forthcoming would be Neelalohita Kalpa. He Lives for 100 years of his hiarchial Time, that corresponds to 311.02 Trillion Years. Brahma, originated from Vishnu as Virinchan. Padmabhu. Swayambhu. Parameshti. Surajeshthan Hemagarbhan. Sadanandan (current) respectively. There will be Chaturmukhan and Hanuman! The Brahma Samhita states that their life span corresponds to exhalation period of Vishnu.
यस्येकनिस्वासित कालमात्रावलम्ब्या
जीवन्ति लोम विलजा जगदन्ण्डनाथ: |
विष्णुर्महान् स सह यस्य कलाविशेषो
गोविन्दमादि-पुरुषं तामहं भजामि || 5.48
yasyaika-niśvasita-kālam athāvalambya
jīvanti loma-vilajā jagad-aṇḍa-nāthāḥ
viṣṇurmahān sa iha yasya kalā-viśeṣo
govindamādi-puruṣaṁ tamahaṁ bhajāmi.
Brahma is created during exhalation of Vishnu, who is sub portion of Govinda (‘kala’ herein corresponds to 24 seconds of the Cosmic time. I pray to Govinda, the first ever.
An exhalation (breathing out period) extends up to 2 seconds! Considering 1 second each to breathe in and hold the breath, a breath cycle may correspond 4 seconds that is equal to the lifespan of two Brahmas. That means, 21,700 Brahmakalpam during the day. One day of Lord Vishnu lasts upto 1.34 billion crore years. Whereas, Vishnu referred as 'Kala' in the timeline of Govinda. Taking Govinda as one day and night (60 ghati); Shiva-Shakti may be one Ghati (60 vighati) whereas Vishnu is one Kala or Vighati (24 seconds)
**Tara herein referred as ‘tr’ tvam (boundless you) is blue, and wears Tiger's hide while Kali wears severed human limbs around her waist. Whereas Kali is Black and wear severed arms around her waist indicating as timeless and represents Saturn. Whether it is:
• The curse of Damini that those who receive Saturn's vision were doomed, or,
• Shiva removed Saturn from the status of deity, or that,
• the scriptures forbade keeping certain deities such as Saturn in the house, or,
• the planet deities have replaced by deities of culture;
The Navagraha hymn gradually lost its relevance as it was only the mechanical pronunciation of planetary worship in rituals. Instead, many mantras of the gods and goddesses have been recited, but prayers involving Lagna, the planets and the dominant deities are rare. The first verse of the Dasa-mahavidya-sukta covered Ascendant and planets. The remaining mentioned deities and prayers. The first two lines of the next sloka was dedicated for Dhoomavati, whereby the concluding portion was short of 2 lines that was concluded with: iti hari:prōktam sūtram grha-vidyā samanvayam; The so-called Verse by me wherein I am just a medium of Kāvya or poetical literature in rhymes. Time alone can determine the authenticity of the prayer! I dedicate this for the good of the world. Let the ruler of time set the door! The planetary state is a small version of cosmic time. Although there is no antecedent memory, it can be said that this composition relates to my time of birth. So is our being contemparary manifestation (as visible entities) and interaction.
A. Hareendran.