Friday, October 23, 2020

How Astrology articulates the events from Astronomy Hareendran Aravalli, India.

 Stars and Folklores connecting Astronomy and Astrology.

Ancient people articulated the theme of stars with their fables and historic heroes. Andromeda is a northern Constellation named after a princess of Ethiopia who was chained to a rock as the bait for the monster Cetus sent by Poseidon, the God of Sea. She was saved by Perseus, and Athena placed her as a constellation. Some believe that a man born at the time of rising of Andromeda in east horizon termed as merciless. Vivasva, (Surya) the sun god of the current Manuvanthara had been  killed by Lord Shiva to save two demons. All life earth stopped, and his life was restored. A


Ancient people spent more time outdoors, mostly watching the stars1 at night that their imaginations unfurled in different ways. Egyptian ideologists believed that their deceased kings return to the stars and enjoy their afterlife. Much folklore prevailed in other parts of the world. Andromeda2 one of the northern Constellations3, near the Pegasus in the Northern Hemisphere, is named after a princess of Ethiopia who had to take the brunt of her mother’s boasting that irritated Poseidon4, who sent a sea monster to ravage Ethiopia. Based on some oracles, the princess was chained to a rock as the bait for the monster, but Perseus slew it and saved her. Both married and had many children. After her death Goddess Athena placed her as the constellation. The monster Cetus also became a constellation.  

Kashyapa5 is the author of Atharva6 Veda that contains metaphysical questions on the nature of existence, whereby his work not only got a glorious placement as the fourth Veda, but himself got exaltation as the sole ancestor of all Gods and demons. Adithi, his first wife became the mother of all cosmic matrixes, from which all the heavenly bodies including the Sun, stars and planets, and her sons came to be known as Adithyas. He is one among the Seven Sages (Saptarshis) of Vivasvata Manuvanthara. His eldest son the present Sun God, Vivasvan was killed7 killed by Lord Shiva to save two demons. That resulted in blackening of sun and all life earth stopped, and his life was restored. The present world originated from stardust, following the explosion of the nebulae and super nova, that Scientists derive that the sun is 3rd generation star, and amazing discovery that water predates the sun8.  

An Indian epic correlates polestar of the North Pole with Dhruva9 who was son of Uthanapada in the first wife. Suruchi the other queen did not like him to sit on his father’s lap.  She asked him to seek boon to take birth in her womb. Boy forgot the aim but Lord Vishnu granted him boon to ascend Pole star10 that withstands Pralaya11.  Pole star what we see now is Polaris12 a multiple star system in the constellation of Ursa Minor. The identity of the pole stars gradually changes over time due to a slow continuous drift through the star field, mainly due the precession of Earth's rotational axis, that causes the celestial poles to trace out circles once every 26,000 years, passing close to different ‘pole stars’.

Studies on Rotational Raman Scattering in Planetary Atmospheres13 identified Fraunhofer lines14 of solar spectrum; slightly differed from that on the surface of Moon. Raman scattering15 over atmospheres of Major planets16 like Uranus and Neptune is a vivid example that was reported in the astrophysical journal in 1978. The effect of H2 Raman scattering on Jovian atmosphere17 has been reported. Raman ghost lines in the light from distant stars18  could be used to identify the main scatters in the atmosphere, even molecules like Hydrogen or Nitrogen2 that do not have prominent spectral signatures in the optical wavelength range as probes of exoplanetary atmospheres.


Astronomy19 (astro: relating to the stars) is a natural  science that first developed in studies of celestial objects and their phenomena, that applies mathematics, physics etc. to explore the origin of planets, moons, stars, galaxies, and comets and phenomena of supernovae explosions, gamma ray bursts, and cosmic microwave background radiation etc. Travels in desert were done during night when the sand is cold and calm; they depended on constellations that became the markers of time and direction. Needless to say, that astronomy developed in northern hemisphere. Some sky watchers tried to articulate the placement of celestial bodies with terrestrial events variegated into Astrology20.

Even though there are many constellations around the earth only 12 termed as Zodiac21 signs (Circle of Animals) in the Ecliptic coordinate systems conforms the Astrological signs22. Astrology could operate only on the platform of astronomy, whereby space and time got utmost importance here also. A weekend record of child birth at a Californian hospital in October, 2011, that the phenomenon of Full moon babies23 attributed to the lunar effect due to the moons gravitational pull that causes high tides, affected in the same way over the human body that is made up of 80% water, could have speeded up the childbirth process.

Apparent size and distance:

Since there was no idea about the size or distances of celestial bodies, the astronomers assessed the apparent sizes of objects24   by using the Angular diameter25. Since the biggest luminaries like Sun and Moon measure 0.53°and 0.5° respectively, all celestial bodies are approximately expressed as arc minute or more appropriately as arc second. Diameter of the sun is about 400 times larger than that of the Moon26, but the sun is that many times farther, that results in the appearance of sun and moon in similar size27 felt from Earth.  Many deep sky objects such as Galaxies28 or Nebulae29 that are spiral or elliptical are thus typically measured as Major and Minor Diameters. , e.g. A Small Magellan Cloud has an apparent diameter of 5° 20′ × 3° 5′. Whereas, Orion constellation30 is quadrilateral that extends over an area of about 20° north-south by 10° east-west roughly corresponds to the palm.

Angular diameter of distant bodies can also be measured by Lunar occultation31  at the rate of 0.5°/hour would be 30 arc sec. /min. with limitation to objects within the 9.Distance of a star can be known by Parallax32 measurements from two places on known distance. Distance to Polaris was assessed from a satellite named Hipparcos33 (High precision parallax collecting satellite astrometry satellite) that revealed a distance of 433 Light years34 (LY) or 133 Parsec35.  Pole star appears to be fixed on North Pole due to a negligible shift of 0.0000042° across the Apsis36 of the earth, say, 2 AU Astronomical units37  against a distance of 27.4 million AU. One arc minute roughly equals the Resolution of Human Eye38 that is an angular gap which corresponds to 0.3 metres at a 1 km distance or an object or a line of 0.04mm width (the thickness of a fine human hair) distinguished by an unaided eye. (Sparkling stars or LED light that can be distinguished by eyes may still be smaller).


Nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases.  They are classified as large diffuse nebulae containing ionized hydrogen, Planetary nebulae, Supernova remnant and Dark nebula. Most nebulae can be described as diffuse nebulae, which mean that they are extended and contain no well-defined boundaries having diameter up to millions of light years, but far less dense that a nebular cloud the size of the Earth would have a total mass of only a few kilograms. There are a variety of formation mechanisms for the different types of nebulae. Some nebulae form from gas that is already in the interstellar medium while others are produced by stars. Examples of the former case are giant molecular clouds, the coldest, densest phase of interstellar gas, which can form by the cooling and condensation of more diffuse gas. Examples of the latter case are planetary nebulae formed from material shed by a star in late stages of its stellar evolution.


Galaxies are gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, and interstellar gas, dust etc. and occupy a diameter of thousands of parsecs and separated by a near vacuum of many mega parsecs(MPS). Morphologically, they are elliptical, spiral, or irregular, and many have black holes at their active centres. Galaxies are categorized as dwarfs with a few billion stars to giants with one hundred trillion stars that orbit around the galactic centre. Galaxies form clusters and super clusters of Galaxies; the yet recognised is Laniakea Supercluster39 stretched out over 160 MPS (520 million LY). Containing the Milky Way and about 100,000 other nearby galaxies including Andromeda Galaxy40.  

Milky Way Galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy composed of at least 100 billion stars. It is approximately 100,000 light years across and about 1000 light years thick. It has a central bulge that is about 10,000 light years in diameter. Our solar system is about a third of the way towards the edge of the Galaxy from the central bulge. Both Milky Way and Andromeda move against each other at a velocity of 600 and 110 kmps, that that makes a Blueshift41 in the stellar spectrum and a collision is expected by 4.5 billion years, that they may become a big spiral galaxy or a disc galaxy.

Solar System:

The solar system comprises of Sun and eight planets and so far identified five dwarf planets. Orbits of planets are tilted by 20-25 degrees, intersecting with Milky Way at two points. There are two important first magnitude red giant stars almost exactly opposite each other in Taurus and Scorpio; Aldebaran (Alpha Taurus) called Rotini in Vedic thought and Antares (Alpha Scorpio) called Jyeshta, that are located around 18 degrees of Taurus and 20 degrees of Scorpio that mark the doorways to the Milky Way. A massive black hole located at Sagittarius-A42 that has been identified at the centre of the Milky Way, which has four million times that of the Sun, may have span to contain the orbit of Mercury. It’s ergo sphere of thought to be 259 Billion kilometres, or 10 light days in diameter. Galactocentric gravitation may perhaps attribute to the perihelion of the earth to exact that month.

The Sun:

Greeks believed that Helios, Sun God travelled in a chariot, across the sky each day returned to the East at night. Surya is Indian name for Sun God moved in the similar way. A couplet that sarva dishanaam, suryaH43 meaning sun in all directions indicates the night sky as full of suns, the ancient Vedic astronomers were aware that stars as suns. Sun has been referred as the 'centre of spheres' along with the term, was in a rudimentary form in the Vedic time and refined further in a later age. Ancient Astronomy was limited within the scope of stars visible to the unaided eye in the night time. Heliocentric Theory of Gravitation44 (Gurutvakarshan) perhaps derived from Tidal range45.

The Sun is the star of the Solar System, which accounts about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System. About 73% of solar mass consists of hydrogen, 2% heavy elements and ~25% Helium46 whose existence was inferred from an emission line in the sun's spectrum. Sun yields energy by chain nuclear reaction of fusion of hydrogen vs fission of helium. Some astronomers earlier had derived Solar Precession47 theories of 23000-26000 orbit periods that may alter one degree in a decade, but recently estimated that the sun is located about two-thirds of the way out from the centre of the Milky Way at a speed of 230 km/s, that an orbit takes 225-250 million years, termed as Galactic Year48.


Some celestial bodies were seen to have motions different to stars, whereby the Greeks designated them as asters planetai means wandering stars, that in fact go around the sun, through their Orbits49 has termed as Heliocentric orbit50 that intersects Milky Way in two places. The rise and set of a planet as observed from the Earth is related to apparent motion of Planets51 relative to the Sun. They are mainly divided into smaller rocky terrestrials and low-density giant planets. In order of increasing distance from the Sun, they are the four terrestrials, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, then the four giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

The apparent motion depends on whether the planet is inner orbit of earth (inferior planet) or outer orbit (a superior planet). Inferior Planets would be within an angular distance of 28° for Mercury and 47° for Venus from sun called elongation, termed eastern and western with reference to sun. As the Earth passes by a planet that particular planet other than Sun or Moon appears to move backwards. This is termed retrogression52 that the earth covers the orbit faster than the outer planets. Inferior planets also have retrogression when it turns to opposition (behind the Sun).

Conjunction53 is a phenomenon that occurs when two astronomical objects either the same right ascension or the same ecliptic longitude. Planets in opposition are termed as superior conjunction but inferior conjunction takes place when Mercury and Venus overlap the sun. Occultation takes place if the conjunction intercepts the visibility from the earth. Lunar and Solar eclipses are natural phenomena caused by Occultation.  Visibility of planet is impaired if any planet is very close to the Sun, we cannot view them as the reflected light may not reach or masked within the aura of the sun.


Rotation of earth takes place from west to east and all celestial bodies including Sun rises in the east, moves westwards and sets with some variations of timing. The Earth's axis of rotation is angled roughly 23.5 degrees from its orbital plane. This difference is what causes the seasons rather than an even climate year-round. Earth rotates at the rate of 1° in 4 minutes that a new zodiac sign appear at every 2 hours at Eastern Horizon (Sign termed as Ascendant), and completes the orbit in a Sidereal day54 of 23 Hours, 56 Minutes, 04 Seconds. Since the Earth has orbited by 0.98°, it takes four more seconds to oppose the sun to make a Solar Day55.

Astronomic day considers the time taken for the Sun to return to its culmination point (Noon), whereas astrologic day is sun rise to sun rise. Consideration of rising sign, the early sunrise reduces the length of the day in summer, whereas it is compensated by longer period during winter, that the gain and loss only takes place at sunset point. Duration of midnight changeover is same, but sunrise based day varies with changes in day time. Sunrise a sign of daybreak is a traditional visualization, but the duration varies with sunrise that lags in summer months make up in winter. Same time Sun is visualized 2 minutes in advance attributed by sunset duration as well as refraction of light as it enters the atmosphere.

As the earth orbits, the next Sun rise takes place only after the earth spins ~0.98° to align with the sun, whereby the sun rise takes place only in the next segment of the ascendant. In fact, Earth rotates 366 times to cover one sidereal year (star based). Signs are not constellation wise division but Mathematic division of Zodiac56 into 12 equal parts of 30° each. Earth Orbits through an inclined axis 23.26°, called the ecliptic path57 named after Eclipse58 that can occur only along this path. The tilt in axis causes the Equinoxes59 and Solstices60 results in seasons rather than an even climate year-round.

The Solstice occurs as the Sun reaches its extreme ends relative to the equator. Following Southern solstice on December 21, Sun starts moving to Northern solstice termed as Uttarayana61 the Earth reaches its perihelion62 in early January, when it’s winter for the Northern Hemisphere. On March 21, the sun comes above the equator termed as the Vernal (spring) Equinox63. Both day and night all over the world would have will be same. Tropical year starts with Vernal Equinox. Sun reaches Tropic of Cancer on 21 June, that would be Summer solstice64 (or estival solstice) at Northern hemisphere.

Since the earth is near Apsis65 towards aphelion66, farther from Sun, the Land hemisphere67 experiences a Buffered summer in the tropical interiors. Midnight Sun68 occurs in the summer months in places north of the Arctic Circle, when the sun remains visible for the full 24 hours. Following Summer Solstice, southward movement called Dakshinayana69 starts, and within a fortnight the earth would be at aphelion. Autumn (Fall) Equinox70  takes place on September 22 followed by Winter Solstice. Since the Northern and Southern hemispheres experience the opposite effects of summer and winter, terminologies of Uttarayana as well as Dakshinayana sustain to be a universal factor.

Asteroid Belt:

Asteroid belt71 is the circumstellar disc in the Solar System located roughly between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. There are millions of Asteroids72 many thought to be the shattered remnants of planetesimals, bodies within the young Sun's solar nebula that never grew large enough to become planets. Ceres having a  diameter is approximately 945 kilometres, was earlier considered as a planet got demoted  as asteroid as other objects were discovered in that region but promoted as a dwarf planet Round as  per the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 2006.

Kuiper belt:

Kuiper belt73  is the second circumstellar disc in the Solar System, that extend beyond the orbit of Neptune (30 AU to 50 AU from the Sun that consists largely of frozen volatiles (termed "ices"), such as methane, ammonia and water. Three of the officially recognized dwarf planets: Pluto, Haumea, and Makemake are located here. Some of the moons, such as Neptune's Triton and Saturn's Phoebe, are thought to have originated in the region. Orbit of Pluto crosses the orbit of Neptune and objects of similar eccentricity is classified as plutinos, whereas, cubewano is a low-eccentricity Kuiper belt object (KBO) that orbits beyond Neptune and is not controlled by an orbital resonance with Neptune.


Comet74 means as tailed stars, but they comprise of icy small body whose nuclei are composed of an amalgamation of rock, dust, water ice, and frozen gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, and ammonia. Comet warms and begins to release gases, when passing close to the Sun. These outgassing phenomena are due to the effects of solar radiation and the solar wind acting upon the nucleus of the comet. Comets usually have highly eccentric elliptical orbits, and they have a wide range of orbital periods, ranging from several years to potentially several millions of years. Long-period comets probably originate in the Oort cloud75, which comprise of icy bodies that extend beyond the Kuiper belt to halfway to the nearest star across a distance of 0.8 and 3.2 light years.


There are at least 182 Moons76 orbiting around many planets in our solar system. Moons or satellites come in different sizes, shape and types.  Of the terrestrial (rocky) planets, only Earth and Mars have moons. In the outer solar system, the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn as well as the ice giants Uranus and Neptune have numerous moons, captured objects with their large gravitational fields. Orbit of natural or artificial satellite around the planets may either be Planetocentric or planetographic coordinates which are two systems in which the positions of features on the surface of a near-spherical body, whereas the latter relates to oblate bodies such as Jupiter and Saturn. Charon77 the largest of the five moons of Pluto has distinct feature that it is tidally locked with host planet and is massive enough that Pluto–Charon is sometimes considered a double dwarf planet than a moon.

The Moon:

Moon78  (Luna) is apparently similar size of the sun and the next brightest Luminary in the sky. Zooplankton in the Arctic are believed to use moonlight for photosynthesis when the sun is below the horizon for months. Moon is rather a satellite of earth. Orbit of the Moon79 takes place at a speed of 3600 kmph  Moon moving eastward at the rate of 0.5° per hour, and lags by 13 every day, that Moon rise and Moon set cannot be depended like sun rise. Rising time varies with phase of Moon. Moon rise takes place along sun rise on new moon, visible only it is about 10-12 degrees past, whereas,  1st quarter it rises at noon, on Full moon at sunset and 3rd quarter at Midnight.

Orbit period of Moon around earth is called a sidereal period (orbit 360° around the Earth) in 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes. But as the earth has moved by Sun 27° the moon has to take s about 2 more days to achieve a similar alignment of Earth, the Sun, and the Moon, that is termed as a Lunar month80.  This is also termed the synodic period (the full moon to full moon period) that would vary from 29-30 days. The moon intersects the ecliptic – Earth’s orbital plane – through the lunar orbital nodes at the ascending or north node (Head of Dragon) and the descending or south node (Tail of the Dragon) Rahu and Ketu according to Vedic Astrology, twice a month. .

Lunar precession81 takes place as the Lunar Nodes82 move in the direction opposite to the Earth's orbit around the sun. The series of moon's nodes move in a clockwise (i.e. retrograde) direction around the zodiac and take 18 years, 7 months and 9 days to make one complete revolution. Eclipses occur when either the new or full moon occurs close to the nodal axis. First Crescent83 is viewed at least 10° behind the sunset point. Even as the Moon transits eastward at the rate of its angular diameter in one hour, the occultation of Moon and Sun at the time of Solar eclipse84 may be momentary in a place as the umbra of moon on earth surface is very small that the solar eclipse only up to 7.5 minutes. All eclipses may not be total as the moon is distancing from earth resulting annular eclipses.

Super moons during Northern Hemisphere winter months tend to look larger than Super moons that occur during the rest of the year. At this time of the year, Earth is closer to the Sun. Because of this, the Sun's gravity pulls the Moon closer to Earth, as moon is pulled towards perihelion, resulting would  occasionally coincide with a total lunar eclipse85, result in blood moon. Total solar eclipse is uncommon with distancing Moon, may recur when earth is in aphelion resulting a Super New moon.

As moon rotates once during the orbit, rendering a synchronous rotation86 the moon does not seem to be spinning but appears to observers from Earth to be waxing and waning but keeps showing the same side all the time. However, owing to Libration87, we would be able to see 18% of the Far side of the Moon88 during different time. Orbit of Moon has many perturbations89, generally speaking moon is always nearer on full moon are farther on new moon. Lunar missions gave rise to new terminology for orbits around the moon got named as Selenocentric90,  whose apsis are apolune91 and pericynthion92 added that fecundated Roman and Greek Goddesses Luna, Cynthia, but Selene is a personification.


The year is defined by a complete revolution of the Sun in the sky along the ecliptic, the month by a complete revolution of the Moon around the Earth and the day by a complete rotation of the Earth on its axis. Almanac of planet positions, days, months, week days, festivals during the year etc. variegated into three groups such as the Solar, Luni-Solar and Lunar Calanders96 in various places.

Roman calendar97 invented by Romulus, the first Emperor of Rome was short of 61 winter days which was modified by Numa Pompilius98  by adding January and February at the end as winter months. January became the starting month at the time of Decemviri99 but, the Quintilis100 and the Sextilis101 continued as such in the Julian calendar102 that included a Leap day in February. Quintilis and Sextilis were renamed to July103 andAugust104. Errors in Leap year was rectified by Pope Gregory XIII by removing 11 days in September, 1582, and the system along with leap year conditions105, came to be known as Gregorian calendar. Meanwhile, French Republican Calendar106 of the post revolution period had months divided into 3 Decades had been withdrawn for lack of public acceptance.

Sidereal zodiac based Malayalam calendar107 follows sidereal zodiac had disputes regarding the start of the Kollam Era108 with different months in Malabar and Travancore. Calendar mysteries (Kollam Era) decodes Acharya vagabhedya109 the chronogram of Sankaracharya, meant Acharya’s word is unalterable. Numerological value is locked as its reverse order corresponds to Kaliyug day on the 1st Kanni in Malabar’s Kollam era.  But, when Trivandrum became the capital of unified state, Travancore method starting with Chingam became the officially accepted calendar of Kerala.

Indian National Calendar110 (Saka Calendar)  is lunisolar that combines the monthly motion of Moon and yearly motion of the Sun. Vikrami year started with Mesha (Aries) but starting of Saka year111 changes with Vernal Equinox. The months are designated by Asterism112 such a way that Chaitra became the first month that has been realigned with the present vernal equinox at that is 21, March. As per Vedic astronomical calculations, there are 13 months. The last month is called adhi-masa and is added every third year. Chinese Calander113 also incorporated a Leap month similarly.

The Islamic calendar114 or Hijra Calendar is Lunar based on the monthly cycle of the phases of the Moon i.e. synodic month and has no relation with the yearly motion of the Sun. Hijira calendar is moon sight based. The new moon astronomically is the conjunction of the moon with sun being invisible, even though the Moon starts to wax after the new moon, rises one hour after sun rise on the next day,  its visibility is impaired until sunset. The months begin with the sighting of the first crescent. Lunar year is based on twelve lunar months, whereby, the year consists of 354 days.

Our internal circadian biological clocks, on the other hand, regulate the timing of periods of sleepiness and wakefulness throughout the day.  A large variety of devices has been invented to measure Time115. The study of these devices is called horology. Hindu units of time116 (Kala), dates back to 3000 BC. Reference time starts from a paramanu (atom) of 17 microseconds (time for the passage of the sun through the smallest particle) to Maha manuanthara (Mega period of over 300 trillion years.

Egyptians invented Sundial117 consists of a flat plate (the dial) and a gnomon, which casts a shadow onto the dial  which has 12 primary divisions that are further divided into 40 Moments115. Function of Sundial has many limitations that it has to be installed outdoors where direct sunlight is available throughout the day, and reads only when the sun is bright to cast a shadow on the dial.  The biggest Samrat Yantra116 in Jaipur observatory is a gigantic Sun dial having one minute divided into 30 parts.

Water clock (Clepsydra)117 invented by Egyptians was found in tombs and Greeks regularly used  to overcomes the setbacks of Sundial. Ancient Indians used Ghati that sinks in about 24 minutes. There are 60 Ghate (Nadika) in a day, each subdivided into 60 Vinadika (Vighati).  One Vinadika (Vighaṭi) is further into 60 Lipta or Nimisha118 (Blinking time) that roughly corresponds 400 milliseconds.

Jiangu's Candle clock119 consisted of six candles, each markings takes 20 minutes and a candle lasts for 4 hours. Ismail al Jazari120, an engineer built weight-driven water clocks such as elephant water clock and Castle clock, and his candle clock had a mechanized a dial. Water clock had striking the cymbal and a mechanical robotic bird chirping, and the castle clock included a display of the zodiac and the solar and lunar orbits, and  automatic doors open and reveal time hourly..   

The western people started using Hourglass121 that empties in 30 minutes into the lower bulb, and inverting the glass continues the process. These can be easily carried and sand does not freeze in winter. There are short duration variants as timers for gaming and kitchen use as Egg timer122. The largest hourglass  inside a glass pyramid is located in Nima Sand Museum 123 that is  5.2 meters tall and 1 m in diameter that is enclosed in a pyramid structure is in Guinness Book of World Records.


Astrology developed as an adjunct to astronomy with some efforts of articulating the movement of planets across the signs with people and events on Earth that can be considered as the outstretched space between probability and possibility135, which is one of the windows to foresee the future that involves a lot of Astro-Mathematics136 regarding the Luminescence and the apparent positions of the celestial bodies. Sun and Moon are considered as planets as per the ancient definition of planet137, whereby, Sun as the leading planet138 as the first luminary is said to influence all other planets, stars and zodiac signs to give some astrological meaning to our lives. Zodiac position of Sun is of great importance in Western Astrology, whereas Moon or other planets become of prime importance in other regions. Aries (a Spring Sign) became a starting point of the zodiac. Astrology further variegate into Medical astrology139, Psychological Astrology 140 and Horoscopic Astrology141.

Medical astrology:

Medical astrology, traditionally known as Iatromathematics142 is an ancient medical system that associates various parts of the body, diseases, and drugs as under the influence of the sun, moon, and planets, along with the twelve astrological signs. Each of the astrological signs (along with the sun, moon, and planets) is associated with different parts of the human body. The signs of the zodiac were believed to preside over the parts of the body, covering the body from head (Aries) to toe (Pisces). After examining an individual's natal chart, a western medical astrologer may give advice to the client about the areas of the body in which they are most likely to experience trouble.

Vedic Astrology is a great tool, wherein an experienced and learned Astrologer can see what disease the native is suffering from or is likely to suffer from. The Astrologer need not be a medical expert or for that matter he may not be able to name the disease in particular. But the Astrologer can certainly pin point what system or organ of the human body is venerable or is likely to be affected seriously. Each planet, house, zodiac sign and aspect besides the Nakshatras (constellation) has some hidden message about the health or ill-health of the native. More details available in medical astrology site143 that throw some light into the Signs and planetary positions influencing the Parts of Body.

Psychological astrology (Astro-psychology)

Humanistic astrology deals with Psychological Astrology that resulted from mingling of the fields of astrology with depth psychology, humanistic psychology and transpersonal psychology. There are several methods of analysing the horoscope in the contemporary psychological astrology: the horoscope can be analysed through the archetypes within astrology (as is characteristic for Jungian approach in astrology) or the analyses can be rooted in the psychological need and motivational theories, that may exist other astrological methods and approaches rooted in psychology. Astrologer and psychotherapist Glenn Perry characterises psychological astrology as both a personality theory and a diagnostic tool.

Horoscopic Astrology:

Horoscopic Astrology is based on a concept that one receives certain planetary vibration144 consisting of the combination of ethereal vibrations existing at the moment of birth, represented by a natal chart. The time of birth determines the nature and intensity of the vibrations of various planets which are apparent in your mental, moral, spiritual, and physical characteristics, and these in turn indicate the character, environment, and opportunities. Therefore, the time of birth also got a crucial importance in astrology.  The constellation that Ascends in the eastern horizon is a crucial factor in horoscopic astrology. Western and Vedic Astrology concerns with personality, behaviour of individuals come under horoscopic astrology. Mundane astrology pertains to Land, ruler and formation; differs from Hora Astrology. Various types of astrology are aligned alphabetically.

Babylonian Astrology:

Ancient Babylonian Astrology145 has been the first organized system of astrology, arising in the second millennium B.C.  The history of Babylonian astrology shows the development of astronomical knowledge within the context of divination. A collection of 32 tablets with inscribed liver models, dating from about 1875 BC, are the oldest known detailed texts of Babylonian divination, and these demonstrate the same interpretational format as that employed in celestial omen analysis.

Assyrian astrology146 related only to affairs of state, not to peasants has been the case for most of the history of astrology. An Assyrian king used the astrological info as a political weapon for the practical day-to-day running of his kingdom. After his death the library was destroyed or dispersed.  Since the astronomical knowledge was based on an empirical character, it failed to substantiate and was flawed. However, the Babylonian Astrology became Progenitor of Greek & Roman Astrology.

Chinese Astrology:

Chinese zodiac signs147 can offer extraordinary insight into the human psyche. Their ancient calendars were based on arithmetical resonance patterns Arithmetical Resonance148 Patterns, and the Tang reform came about because of Indian influences over Chinese Astronomy149, adopting  Lunar Mansions150.  Chinese Constellations are known by cardinal directions as well as their The Chinese Zodiac, known as Sheng Xiao, is based on a twelve-year cycle, each year in that cycle related to an animal sign. Chinese Zodiac151 has 12 Animal signs. Chinese Zodiacal origin152 is believed to be in the order animals visited Lord Buddha. The rat, which climbed on the ox and won the race at nose length. Chinese zodiac serves the practical purpose of figuring out a person’s age without having to ask directly. Comparisons of various animal signs charted in primal astrology153. Predictions are associated with the Wu Xing154, having Five Elements, Five Phases, the Five Agents, the Five Movements, Five Processes, the Five Steps/Stages and the Five Planets is the short form of Wǔ zhǒng liúxíng zhī qì. 5 elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and representing five planets viz. Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus and Mercury, through a 60 year cycle.

Vedic (Indian) Astrology:

Hindu astrology155 as the name states has been originated from Vedas attributed to many sages, but similarity of zodiac signs with west is often remarked of Hellenistic origin. Skanda Hora156 composed by Skanda (Subrahmanya) is the legendary book has the foremost treatise of Nirayana astrology referred as the Mahopanishad of the Atharva Veda contain the Vedanaga Jyothish and Surya Siddhanta that is the basis of astronomy from which astrology that developed into three Skandas157. Jyotish, enlightens one to their cosmic, divine existence, as is the macrocosm, so is the microcosm.

Bhrigu Samhita158 containing  predictions on future and information on the past life had been composed by Sage Bhrigu, whereas, Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra159 the most comprehensive extant work on natal astrology has been a guiding resource in the understanding of  the principles, practices and cosmic intelligence that guides our human existence. Nadi Astrology160 by the Great Saint Agastya, written on palm leaves (Thaliyola) possessed by astrologers in Tamil Nadu are arranged as per the Right thumb impression of men and Left thumb for women.

Horoscope is cast on the tenancy of Moon161 through 12 Rashis and 27 Nakshatras162(Birth stars).  One moon sign contains 2 ¼ Nakshatras, that  each one is divided four quarter parts distributed in the successive houses representing the elements of Fire, Earth, Air and water in the Pada system163. There would be 9 padas of 3°20’ each, whereby the chart is called Navamsa164 ,  Three birth stars get evenly distributed in the entire zodiac.  The Lords of Nakshatras variegate into Buddhic, mental, astral and physical planes forming a 108 vortex of energy levels that redistribute through three controlling stars into 343 energy points but a horoscope deals only up to navamsa chart.

There are various types of Planetery Aspects165 between planets, as well as from the Moon and the Ascendant. quadrant166 that includes conjunction square and Opposition neutralises the influence of planets. Same way, Lord of upachaya167 house gives difficulties in the beginning, takes time to get good effects. Whereas, Trine168 a triangular ownership amplifies the effect, that an Orb169 of 1 - 10° may be allowed.  Quincunx169 is unconjunct condition between debt and death/widowhood. Placement of planets indicates the overall direction of a person's life. Their transition to natal position may yield gochara170 for benefice planets even render Dristi Dosh when conflicted, or Vedha by Malific.

Vimsottari Dasa171 is the unique time cycle of 9 planets in a sequence of three pariyayas, starting with the Mystic Lord Ketu (Descending Node), Sukra (Venus), Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Mangal (Mars), Rahu (Ascending Node), Guru (Jupiter), Sani (Saturn) and Budha (Mercury), with 7,20,6,10,18,16,19 and 17 years respectively for Ashwini to Alesha, Magha to Jyeshta and Moola to Revati. These three groups conform to Rajas, Tamas and Sattva through120° of Mesha-Karki, Simha-Vrischik and Dhanu-Meena axes of 120 ° each. The period of Star Lord in proportion to the remaining portion dasa balance170, whereby, a difference of 5 minutes in birth time accounts 6 - 25 days in the dasa period. Devoid this consideration, a Horoscope is simply invalid.

Sakuna & Nimitta Sastras: (Astrology of Omens)

Astrologer can predict the outcome of a question just by observing the changes in the environment by is called Sakuna/ Nimitta Sastra171 or Astrology of omens. The amazing thing about Sakuna Shastra is that the person who wants to know the future need not have any knowledge of Astrology and planets. He can simply observe the changes around him at that moment and know what is coming to his way. Nimitta concerns only the ‘planetary energy flux’ at a particular moment.

Prasna cowries:

The Kerala method of delineation of horoscopes uses  cowries172 (sea shells) is highly valued for its accuracy. A set of 108 cowries indicating the total Navamash count, along with some special cowries used to indicate 9 planets displayed in the Raashi Chakra (zodiac) in the Raashi Palak (Astrologer' s board). A handful of cowries are taken and the multiples of 12 are excluded and thereminder becomes the "Aruuda".  Sometimes, it may also been derived from the numerical value of a statement. Some remedies are suggested on the basis of the anka-shastra173 as a means of overcoming hurdles.


Numerology is the predictive science using number values cast from Date of birth or proposal of a name in various situations,  that have their own vibrations producing various effects and influences. Samkhya Sastra174 is an ancient numerology, that follows the value of syllables, whereas, Nomenclature175 or personal names vary from place to place. Numerology176 have been assigned in the order of Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus (Rahu), Mercury, Venus, Neptune (Kethu) Saturn and Mars  Pythagoran numerology follows alphabetic status in the order of 1-9, repeated in 2nd and 3rd columns up to Z. But, the Chaldean Numerology177 with a different pattern with the basic numbers only up to 8, but 9 can be present in the combination number that represents Mars. South Indian system numerology178, of Tamil Nadu has the numbers assigned to English alphabets is strikingly different.

Mayan Calendar:

Mayan calendar179 has a system of three interlacing calendars and almanacs comprising of 19 zodiac signs, in 13 cycles to complement a Great cycle of 5125 years. The duration of the Calendar Round is the least common multiple of 260 and 365; 18,980 is 73 × 260 Tzolk’in days and 52 × 365 Haab’ days. They The 13th (and, some say, final) baktun (400 years each) of the Mayan calendar is slated to come to an end on the solstice marked on Dec. 21, 2012. As their calendar ended on December 21, 2012, people started seeing things that resulted apocalyptic rumors180 and doomsday predictions created panic had been spread because of the a related scheme, the planet's magnetic poles thought to be reversed possibly as a result of galactic alignment with Black hole termed Sagittarius -A. An American disaster Movie180 titled 2012 released in 2009 was a mission started by China and the G8 nations who built nine arks, each capable of carrying 100,000 people.  

Medieval Astrology:

Medieval Astrologers181 believed that the movements of the stars influenced numerous things on earth, from the weather and the growth of crops to the personalities of new born babies and the inner workings of the human body. Doctors often carried around special almanacs (or calendars) containing star charts, allowing them to check the positions of the stars before making a diagnosis. Their calendar got confined to time keeping, such as the rising and setting of constellations and specified the time for planting, fertilising and harvesting; for making jams, medical syrups and perfumes etc.

Western Astrology:

Western astrology is a refined form of the Babylonian system of astrology, that the Romans renamed most of the Greek names with the Latin names.  Date of birth as well as the Ascendant (Rising of constellations) has great importance. They follow Tropical Astrology that the Aries sign starts on Vernier Equinox, 21days prior to the transit of the Sun. The western zodiac calculates the position of heavenly bodies from a fixed point whereby it differs from the Indian zodiac by 23 degrees, changing about 23 days earlier. Transition to the next sign does not yield any abrupt change, that the first and the last Cusps182 yield mixed results with the preceding or proceeding sun sign vary from 1-10 days.


Only eight zodiac sign viz. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn influenced animal humanity in the ancient Lemuria183 period. Sphinx184 of ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations that variegated into Leo and Virgo during the gender specific transformation185 believed to have been occurred during the precession period of Leo. Entry of Aquarius and separation of Pisces took place concomitantly. As NASA incorporates Ophiuchus185 as the 13th Constellation, many got in panic that NASA had to respond that they did not change any sign186. Westerners account many constellations outside the axis of 10-12° of the zodiac. Some believe that a man born at the time of rising of Andromeda in east horizon187 termed as merciless.

Sri Rama's Horoscope188 is every astrologer's dream horoscope has some crept and anomalies regarding the Planetary positions of Sun and Moon as regards the Punarvasu on Navami with Sun in Mesha termed as an Astronomical Impossibility189.Sun is the planet of power, authority and career, and Venus is the planet of relationship. Sun-Venus conjunction190 makes a choice between career and spouse; depending on the sign which planet is strong they get result. Later assumptions placing the Sun in Pisces (Meena), at 27° of Pisces has mixed opinions on the number of exalted planets wheather four of five as per Saravali. Date as per NASA software191 that derives the time from planetary position data, that the birth could have taken place on 10th January, 5114 BC contradicts with as Astronomical dating of Ramayan192 as 4th December 7323 BC. As Hanuman is said to have witnessed four tusked elephant193, (Gomphotheres were elephant-like animals became extinct some 1.6 million years ago) in Lanka may shift back to the timeline further by eons to what rishis claim.

Why astrological predictions fail at times?194.

Conventional astrologers unaware of astronomical aspects often make mistakes in assessing the ascendant. Accuracy of ascendant195 depends upon the latitudinal and longitudinal correction as well as the summer time correction of the place of birth. An ordinary astrologer matches horoscopes based upon the Birth chart and Balance Dasa prepared by different astrologers. Instances of fake horoscope or kundali196 cannot be identified if the astrologer amends the time of birth to align with the Oja-Yugma Rasis197 for the ascendant. These would not be identified unless any opposite effects are felt.

Vimsottari Dasa Predictions ignoring the maturity of planets198 is another mistake. Minimum age to have the benefit in age is 15 for Jupiter, 22 Sun, 24 Moon, 25 Venus, 28 Mars, 32 Mercury, Saturn 36, Rahu 42 and Ketu 48 years, that declines after 4-5 years. Since the maturity is not in the order of Dasa or their durations, many of the Yogas described in the horoscopes are not felt as it is.

Another problem is caused by mixing up Hora and Medini (Mundane astrology) as the latter relates with the Land and the Country. The yearly mundane forecast199 based upon a group of horoscope charts such as the chart of the birth (Formation of the country) with the birth chart of the ruler, along with solar ingress to Aries, the new cycle for the Sun to go round the zodiac. Charts for the time of Solar and Lunar eclipses provide clues regarding bad events taking place that year. An Orb of 1° is said to have an impact fully felt in 50 years from the birth of the country.

Duryodhana sought advice of Sahadeva for the auspicious time for a sacrifice prior to Mahabharata War200, and got advice to conduct it on the next Amavasya 201. Krishna sensing danger planned a plot to confuse others and performed Tarpan on Chaturdasi202 .  Krishna convinced Sun and Moon that their alignment already occurred to be deemed as amavasi, that became the rare astronomic phenomenon termed as Krishna Chaturdasi. Pandavas performed the sacrifice on the newly established date won the war, and  for Duryodhana the prediction went in vain on strange and superhuman situation.

Fundamentals of Astrology201 relate various subdivisions within the Rasi Chart where the predictions involve about 16 factors.  As a predictive art depends on many factors ignored, or need to be logically shortlisted, its accuracy depends a great deal upon the level of mastery of the astrologer with regard to the subject. Practical astrology speculates a logical approach, that often a question of the fortune seeker probably contains the remedy, what needed is to decipher Upagraha202 that are shadow planets, or mathematical points. Mandi (Gulikan) among them is conceded only in Kerala system Astrology.

There are reports that the cause of a mortality of two among the twelve deaths per every thousand patients in a hospital occurred due to fatal drug reactions203  that many of the death were avoidable. Another thing, a law suit is accepted by the court for hearing after prima facia scrutiny of the complaint. That does not mean that every case wins. Appellate court may deliver a contradictory verdict, from a different point of view. As a matter of fact, no service in the world can assure 100% accuracy, and the astrology based on probability is the only window to future.

Key words & brief meanings:

Acharya vagabhedya109: its value in reverse order becomes Kaliyug day 1434160 (25th Sept. 824).  

Amavasya 201: The dark moon tithi, when the Moon is within the 12° from the Sun before conjunction

Ancient definition of planet137: Greek astronomers defined as asters planetai "wandering stars".

American disaster Movie180: a mission to save 10,000 people from heavy flood following a deluge.

Ancient Egyptian ideologists2: According to Plato, a soul after death returns back to consort star.

Andromeda Galaxy40: ~67.45 kilo parsec across, comprise of 1 trillion stars, now at 780 kps from us.

Andromeda2: located in Pisces listed by Ptolemy in 2nd century, covers angular area of ~1400 Moons.

Angular diameter22: The angle that an eye rotates to look from one side to other side of a circle.

Anka-shastra173: belief of changing one’s own destiny by worship devotion ond doing well.

Apolune70: the point in the path of a body orbiting the moon is farthest from the center of the moon.

Apparent motion of planets51: Motion of planets as it appears to move in relation with earth.

Apparent sizes of objects21: Angular size shows how much of the sky the object appears to cover.

Apsis65: Proximal and distal orbital points of any orbit is termed as apsis, distal point is ap-apsis. Aphelion66: The farthest point from the sun in a heliocentric orbit of a celestial body.

Arithmetical Resonance148: based on assumption that the sun moves uniformly in the celestial equator.

Ascendant83: zodiacs sign ascending on the eastern horizon at the specific time and location of event.

Assyrian astrology146: predictions were related only to affairs of state or king, not to individuals.

Asterism112: Any pattern of stars, either within or extend through more than one constellation.

Asteroid belt71: The Inner circumstellar disc between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter.

Asteroids72: small irregularly shaped rocky bodies of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Astrological signs19: The twelve 30° sectors of the Zodiac from the First Point of Aries to Pisces.

Astrology17: Study of movements and relative positions of celestial objects and terrestrial events.

Astro-Mathematics136: Latitudinal and Longitudinal corrections followed in casting a Horoscope.

Astronomical unit35: Mean distance from Sun to earth is ~150 million kilometres (93 million miles)

Atharva6: rituals and practical issues of daily life composed by descendants of Atharvan (Fire born).

Astronomy16: A natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena of Stars, planets etc.

Atomic_clock131: accurate clocks use the caesium atom and the normal magnetic fields and detectors.

August104: Senate proposed to rename September, but Augustus Caesar opted to have next to July. Autumn (fall) Equinox70: September 22, the first day of astronomical winter in northern hemisphere.

Babylonian Astrology145: astrology at the disposal of the priests, and animal sacrifice often followed.

Blueshift41: Gap between light signals shortens as a nearing object is changes the colour to Blue.

Bhrigu Samhita157: Astrology composed by Bhrigu by linking the lifestyle and events with astronomy.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra159: Sage Parashara, the author of this Hora is the father of Veda Vyasa.

Calanders96: Almanac of Roman origin to reckon time combining various sermons etc. in a year.

Calendar mysteries (Kollam Era) 82: Final transition of Dravidian Buddhist to Aryan-Vedic system.

Candle clock119: A set of 6 candles, each takes 4 hours to burn. 12 divisions correspond to 20 minutes.

CGS System129: Centimetre-gram-second French Metric system. Length and weight are decimalised.

Chaldean Numerology177:  compound number of a name combines metaphysical aspects and destiny.

Charon77:  having half diameter and one eighth the mass of Pluto, it is larger than dwarf planet Ceres.

Chinese Astronomy149: revitalized by Indian and western astronomy, got advanced space programs.

Chinese Calander113: Five elements of 12 Year animal signs of 12 Lunar months (13 in Leap Year)

Chinese zodiac signs147: in the order of 12 animals came to bid farewell to Buddha before nirvana.

Chinese Zodiac151: reputed attributes of animals placed into each year in a repeating 12-year cycle.

Chinese Zodiacal origin152: dates back to artefact of 475-221 B.C. Calling on Buddha are just a belief.

Comet74:  an icy small body with visible atmosphere, Coma, comprises of solar or extrasolar elements.

Conjunction53: Condition when two astronomical objects reside at same ecliptic longitude, or sign.

Conjunctional aspect166: planets grace others in various angles, some are beneficial and others hectic.

Constellations3   Group of Stars as apparently either within the zodiac, between or outside zodiac.

Cosmic Year48: Time taken by sun to complete one orbit in the Milky Way, ~250 million years.

Cowries172: The shell of snail like creatures used for astrological calculation of Arooda etc.

Cusps182:  Sun resides in two signs simultaneously for a day at the beginning and the end of transit.

Dakshinayana53: The time when the Sun begins to trace a southward movement in the Earth’s sky.

Dasa balance170: calculated as per the longitude of the Moon or the remaining duration of the Birth star. 

Decemviri77: any of several 10-man commissions established by the Roman Republic (509–27 BC).

Decimal system of time130:  Day of 10 hours, hour of 100 minutes and minute of 100 seconds.

Definition of planet:  a body that orbits the Sun that is massive enough clear its neighbourhood.

Dhruva9: prince been placed in Pole Star that withstands Pralaya (dissolution). Also poles of earth

Duodecimal126: 12 is the base as primary division as Hour in Sun dial. (foot to inch, year to month)

Eclipse58: occurs when a either a shadow of another body obscures view or gets occulated.

Ecliptic path57: Apparent path of the Sun as the basis for the ecliptic coordinate system.

Egg timer122 conventional Egg timer is of the traditional hourglass type, but a digital one is animated.

Equinoxes59: The moment when the plane of equator passes through the center of the Sun.

Far side of the Moon67: The other side of the Moon that never face earth, (dark side is wrong usage).

Fatal drug reactions203: Fatal adverse drug reactions reported in a tertiary care hospital of North India

First Crescent62:  requires contrast of sky and elongation of the moon to visualize after sun set.

FPS System128: British Measurement system of Foot-Pound-Second. Subdivisions are not uniform.

Fraunhofer lines14: observed as dark features (absorption lines) in the optical spectrum of the Sun.

French Republican Calendar106: Post revolution calendar officially withdrawn for lack of popularity.

French Republican Calendar82: Post Revolution Colander removed festivals connected with families.

Full moon babies20:  45 weekend deliveries was a record score, doctor state as full moon babies.

Fundamentals of Astrology201: 12 zodiac columns represent planetary position as well a navamsa.

Galaxies25:  Star cluster with many kilo parsecs in diameter, contains billions of stars and elements.

gender specific transformation185: development of animals from hermaphrodite to two genders.

Gochara170: if the current planetary beneficial it is termed Gochara, otherwise Vedha.

GPS Time Correction134: a space satellite navigation network for location and time information.

Heliocentric orbit50: Path around the barycentre, located near or over the surface of the Sun.

Heliocentric Theory of Gravitation44:  Sun as the 'centre of spheres' referred along with Gravitation.

Helium46: Named after Helios the sun god. Hydrogen converted to Helium by Nuclear synthesis.

Hindu astrology155: earlier times used for making a calendar to fix the date of sacrificial rituals.

Hindu units of time116: Various units of time used across the Vedas, Puranas, Suryasidhanta etc.

Hipparcos31: High precision parallax collecting satellite astrometry satellite launched by Euro space. Horoscopic Astrology142: calculations based upon ascendant at the specific moment as prime factor.

Human Eye36: with binocular vision and a resolution of 1.2 arcminute or a 0.35 mm line at 1 metre.

Iatromathematics142: the body function measured by quantifiable numbers, weights, and measures.

Indian National Calendar110: became solar sidereal after periodic adjustments known by lunar months.  

Islamic calendar114: Hijira Era that started to commemorate migration of Md. Nabi to Madeena.

Ismail al Jazari120: an Islamic scholar, inventor, engineer and mathematician of the medieval period.

Jovian atmosphere17:  Jupiter is a gaseous planet whose atmosphere transits from a liquid interior.

Julian calendar80 : Julius Caesar added Leap day to February to Roman calendar once in four years.

July103: Roman Senate renamed Quintilis in honour of Julius Cæsar, that was the month of his birth.

Kashyapa5: one of the seven sages in the current eon and the ancestor of Vivasvan (Sun God).

Kuiper belt73 : The outer circumstellar disc named after Dutch-American astronomer Gerard Kuiper.

Land hemisphere67: Comprise of Europe, Africa, N. America, most of Asia and most of S. America.

Laniakea Supercluster39:  Local Supercluster containing Milky Way and other ~100,000 galaxies.

Leap second132: one-second adjustment applied to keep its time of day close to the mean solar time.

leap year conditions105: overcame excess 3 days in 400 years by opting out the 100s indivisible by 400.

Lemuria183: A conceptual continent that existed ~20-30 million years back with hermaphrodite race.

Libration66: variations of perceived oscillating motion of orbiting bodies relative to each other.

light from distant stars18 : revealing physical and chemical texture by absorption and scatter studies.

Light year32: the distance that light travels in vacuum in one Julian year, ~ 9.461 trillion kilometres.

Luna69: the ancient Roman divine personification of the Moon, a terminology in abundant use.

Lunar ccultation28: Moon orbits eastward against stars @ 0.5°/hour would be 1 arc min. in 2 minutes.

lunar eclipse64 Moon passes directly behind the umbra (middle shadow) of the Earth on full moon.

Lunar Mansions150:  the 28 asterisms through which the Moon transit through a sidereal month.

Lunar month59: The time between two successive new moons or full moons, between 29-30 days.

Lunar Nodes61: the points of intersection between the apparent ecliptical paths of sun the moon's orbit.

Lunar precession60: The orbit of the Moon has two important such precessions, nodal and Apsidal.

Major planets16: whose orbits are distinct and do not overlap with any other heavenly body. Malayalam calendar107:  Kollam Era of Travancore starting with Chingam (Leo) adopted in Kerala.

markers of time and direction2 : Constellations helped agricultural planning as well as navigation.

Mathematic division of Zodiac56: Virgo and Scorpius vary six fold, but astrologically both are 30°

maturity of planets198: Optimum age of the individual to experience the beneficial effect of a Yoga.

Mayan calendar179: Almanac of pre-Columbian Central America, improved by Mayan civilization.

Measurement of Time95: natural units like days and years and artificial units like hour minute etc.

Medieval Astrologers181: believed the movements of the stars influenced numerous things on earth.  Medical astrology139: effect of planetary positions in relation with zodiac signs as parts of the body.

Midnight Sun68:  Axial tilt of earth in summer allows sunlight to the opposite side of polar region.

Moments115: Hour in Sun dial Hour subdivided into 40 moments that equals to 90 seconds each.

Moon78: Earth’s natural satellite is the fifth-largest and second densest satellite in Solar System.

Moons76: natural Satellites orbiting around a planet come in many shapes, sizes and types.

Mysteries in Kollavarsham82: Debate triggered by similar name of Kollam in Travancore and Calicut.

Nadi Astrology160. Nadi leaves auctioned by British Raj became inherited property in Tamil Nadu.

Nakshatras162: the lunar mansion in Indian astrology. 27 Birth Stars, starts with Aswathi in Aries Sign.

Navamsa164; One birth sign contains 2 ¼ Nakshatras, when divided into  quarters get 9 portions.

Nebulae26:  cloud of ionized gases of low concentration; eventually gather enough mass to form stars.

Nima Sand Museum 123: in Oda, Japan has the largest hour glass having one ton of quartz sand.

Nimisha118: Eye blinks100-400ms as per Harvard Database, that 400ms corresponds to vighati.

Nomenclature175: Personal names used and categorised depend on the language and culture.

Numberology176: A concept that each letter has a numerical position value that influences the destiny.

Occultation17: Event when a celestial object is eclipsed by the Moon or another solar system body.

Oja-Yugma Rasis197: Alternate months from Mesha are Male-Odd and remaining Female-Even rashis.

Oort cloud75:  interstellar remnant of the protoplanetary discs of solar or extrasolar origin.

Ophiuchus185: a large constellation Serpent Bearer, located around the celestial equator.

Orb169:  the deviation from the exact angles of the aspect that diminishes and nullifies beyond.

orbital inclination of Moon18:tilt of 5°  becomes the zone of occultation but avoids many eclipses.

Orbits33: Orbit is a regular, repeating path that one object in space takes around another one. 

Orion constellation27: spans nearly 20 degrees of the Zodiac in the Sign of Gemini, has 13 fixed stars.

Pada system163: Subdivision of a nakshatra distributed into four zodiac signs of four elements.

Parsec33:  A distance at which sun appears to be of 1 arc sec., corresponds to 3.26 light years.

Parallax30: view the same thing from different locations to derive distance and size of the object.

pericynthion71: Nearest orbital point near moon also termed as perilune and periselene.

perihelion62: Planet in nearest position to sun during the orbit. Farthest position is termed as aphelion.

Planetary Aspects165: planets rendering positive or negative effect depending position and ownership.

Planetary vibration144: harmonic or non-harmonic effects depending the planetary angles.

Polaris12: comprises of multiple stars in Ursa Minor presently at North Pole, visible with naked eyes.

Pole star10: any fixed star close to either celestial pole which does not appear to move during the night.

Poseidon4: Greek equivalent for Neptune, as the god of the Sea and other waters, earthquakes etc.

Pralaya11:: Dissolution of some realms, remain inactive for 4.32 Billion years termed night of creator.

primal astrology153: 144 animal combinations of Western And Eastern (Chinese) zodiac signs.

probability and possibility135: the events likely to happen within the purview of the exigencies.

Psychological Astrology 140: correlation between the archetypal images and the astrological themes.

Quadrant166: Neutralizing effects by Conjunction, opposition, 90° on either side with 0-10° Orb.

Quincunx169: a condition that the planets pastured at 150 ° to the ascendant behave as strangers.

Quintilis78: meant as the 5th month in Roman calendar, became July after the death of Julius Caesar.

Radix125: Base used to represent numbers in a positional numeral system. Eg. 90° has base of 360°

Raman Scattering in Major planets11: Study of Raman effect on atmosphere of outer planets.

Raman Scattering in Planetary Atmospheres13: frequency shift of sun light reflected by planets.

Raman scattering15:Some photons scattered by excitation undergoes a reduction in frequency.

Retrogression52: A condition that the prograde planets appear to move in eastward direction.

Roman calander75: had only 10 months and 304 days as winter was not accounted by Romans.

sacrifice prior to Mahabharata War200: ritual of animal sacrifice for blessings of Goddess Kali.

Sagittarius-A42:  Constellation located in middle of Milky Way, contains a supermassive black hole.

Sakuna/ Nimitta Sastra171: finding the outcome of a question by observing the environmental changes. Samkhya Sastra174: The syllables carry numerological values  in combination represent a planet.

Samrat Yantra116: The huge Sun dial at Jaipur observatory can measure time with precision of 2 sec.

Sarva dishanaam suryaH43: A couplet meant that there are suns in all directions, suns are stars.

Selenocentric69: Orbit around moon known by Selene that is rather a personification of moon.

Sexagesimal127:  superior highly composite number with 60 as the base. (subdivision of hour, minute)

Sextile166: an aspect of cooperation and opportunity between planets at 60°±8° Orb.

Sextilis79: meant as the 6th month in Roman calendar, renamed as August for Augustus Caesar.

Shiva was cursed3: the cause behind killing Ganesa, own son by Siva, and placed elephant head.

Sidereal day54:  Duration taken by earth to orbit 360° to oppose the same point of constellation.

Skanda Hora156: the root of all other Horas, Surya Siddhanta, breath pattern and divisions of time

Skandas: 3 sects, Sidhantha (Astromathematics), Samhitha (Omens), Hora (Horoscope/Muhoortha).

Solar Day55: The period during which the Earth completes one rotation with respect to the Sun.

Solar eclipse63: When the Moon comes in between Sun and earth and occults the Sun fully or partially.

Solar Precession47: Orbiting of Sun results in receding of the equinoctial points around the zodiac.

Solstices60: Day when the Sun reaches the tropical border of Northern and the Southern hemispheres.

South Indian system numerology178: using English alphabet, treating 29 as the worst number value.

Spacetime73: the 3-dimensional space fused with 1-D time into a single 4‑dimensional continuum.

Sphinx184: mythical creature with a human head and the body of a lion, variegated into Leo and Virgo.

Stars1: a luminous sphere of plasma that is gravitationally bound and appears as fixed in the sky.

starting of Saka year111:  started with Moon in Chaitra, but currently starts with Vernal equinox.,

start of the Kollam Era108: Kanni in Malabar as the Sun enters Virgo and Travancore a month earlier.

Summer solstice64:  Day when maximum sunlight is received in the concerned hemisphere.

Sun and moon in similar size24: Distance proportionate to size difference cancels each other.

Sun as the leading planet138: The first luminary as the symbol of peace, wisdom and spirit in our lives.

Sundial117: a device having a dial and a gnomon that casts a shadow that moves with the sun.

Synchronous rotation65 one rotation in an orbit results the same side of moon to always face the earth.

Tarpan on Chaturdasi202: an offering made on amavasi to divine entities and to please the ancestors. 

Tenancy of Moon161: Moon Sign and its elements influence the mind and emotion of the native.

Tidal range45: The gradient between the high and low tides vary with positions of Sun and Moon.

Time systems124:: Three time systems include calendar date, the clock time, and the  time zone.

Time115: the indefinite continued progress of existence and events occurring in irreversible succession

Trine168: positions such as ascendant, 120° and 270°  amplifies the good or bad effects of the Lord.

upachaya167: any natural malefic planets in 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses are not further afflicted.

Upagraha202:  astrologically shadow planets, but in fact the astronomical points like Rahu and Ketu.

Uttarayana61: The starting of Northward movement sun occur a day after the winter solstice.

Vernal (spring) Equinox63: March 21, the first day of astronomical spring in northern hemisphere.

Vimsottari Dasa171: Cycle of 120 years that starts with period of Star Lord and migrate through others. Vivasvan was killed7: Saving two devotees, one was Demon Sumali. Ravana was born to his daughter.

Water clock (Clepsydra)117: Timer used for indoor use, inflow/outflow type, calibrated with sun dial.

water predates the sun8: cloud formed prior to the Sun migrated during the formation of solar system.

Within the path of the moon26: objects that align with the path of the moon as viewed from the earth.

Wu Xing154: Elements, Phases, Agents, Movements, Processes, Stages & Planets, five aspects of each.

world time server133: A server that articulates the Standard time correction based on time zone.

yearly mundane forecast199: Climate, rain fall, etc. are predicted on the basis Mesha samkrama.

Zodiac18: The apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year.


DASA MAHA VIDYA (The Ten incarnations of Sakti) and Planetary Remedies.

 KARMIC EFFECTS पूर्वजन्मकृतं पापं व्याधिराधिरूपोण जायते|  तत् शान्तियौषधायौ दान जप क्रियादिभिहि || Poorva Janma kritam papam vyadhi~radhi r...